Step 7: Fill out the notes section and label the cells. Step 6: Staple the cover page on top of your organized pages.

The pages should be organized from top to bottom as: Cover page, Interphase, Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis. Use the picture below to help you with the organization. Step 4: Determine where the cells need to be glued accorded to their stage. Step 3: Cut out all five pages on the DOTTED lines. Step 2: Color the paper containing the cells.

Step By Step Instructions Step 1: Print all five pages for each student. Notes on Telophase Telophase Notes on Cytokinesis Cytokinesis Notes on Metaphase Metaphase Notes on Anaphase Anaphase Notes on Prophase Prophase Notes on Prometaphase Prometaphase Terms of use graphics from The Cell Cycle - Stage 1: Interphase - Stage 2: Prophase - Stage 3: Prometaphase - Stage 4: Metaphase - Stage 5: Anaphase - Stage 6: Telophase - Stage 7: Cytokinesis Mitosis M Notes on Interphase Interphase

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