Any photos or videos that appear to be from the driver's seat while the vehicle is not safely parked will be removed, and will be subject to immediate bans as follows.To keep things civil we do not allow political posting of any kind, you have the vastness of reddit to do this. No politics or controversial topics of any kind, everyone has their own opinion to them and emotions can get out of control.You have all of Reddit to be a pervert this is not the place. No soliciting of sex acts, pictures, OnlyFans, or dating site spam.If you're going to make a complaint to someone's company don't be surprised if you end up talking directly to the person you're making the complaint about.Doxxing is against sitewide rules and will grant you a perm ban from the sub. No Doxxing, searching out someone's personal info, posting their FB, Twitter, or other personal info is not allowed or tolerated.If someone gets canned from their company because they posted pictures of their truck, did something stupid, and got reported for it that's on them. If you want to post your truck number and company go ahead, but you take all the risk conduct yourself in a professional manner if doing so.

Report them to moderators to have them written up. How dare this person show utter disregard for themselves and those around them. You're a Safety guy and think this posts/comment violates legality, safety rules or is outright unsafe.Since there are safety, legal and monetary consequences involved, anyone giving false information is subject to immediate ban without warning.To cut down on serial reposters, karma farming, and bots, more than five posts within 24 hours results in an instant ban.Self-promotion of blogs, YouTube channels, or other social media.Plagiarism of text, video, photos, or other content without crediting the original creator.Brokers, Hiring, Surveys, and Drug related posts will be be removed.Not having fun may result in an Out-of-Service violation.

Guide on Companies for Getting into Trucking