Rin Chan Nau! by Owata-P features Miku and Luka and their crushes on Rin, never mind the two of them rapping at Motor Mouth speed. First Love Academy - School of True Love a funny love-triangle song starring Len, Rin and Gumi. There's sweet, oblivious Gumi as the titular highschool girl, and the awkward college student who sings his thoughts in SCREAMO. If you've ever wanted to simultaneously laugh at and feel bad for the Big Bad of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, here's your chance.
Somebody also made a version starring Dio.Gakupo also wants to date someone! His problem? He's too attractive.
Now with an utterly hilarious English dub !.And to add irony, he finally finds someone who would go with him: Tei Sukone.Len having really bad luck in finding someone to go on a date in " I Don't Care Who, Somebody Go Out With Me! ", even Tako Luka rejects him.Hey Master, did you buy us thinking we were an eroge? I'M RIGHT, AREN'T I?!